Event: Responsible Advertising and Gender Portrayal, 25 March 2020

An event on Responsible Advertising and Gender Portrayal is taking place at the European Parliament in Brussels on March 25, 18:00 – 20:05. The event is organised by the European Advertising Standards Alliance and hosted by MEP Brando Benifei.

You may register through the online form available here by 10 March. Please find attached the official invite in this e-mail. For more information, visit our website here (draft agenda).

The event will bring together EU policy makers, advertising self-regulatory organisations, industry bodies, award winning students as well as brands committed to a responsible advertising landscape

SVR Gender Studies Conference June 2020

The Studierendenvortragsreihe (SVR) Gender Studies at HU Berlin organises a 2-day conference bringing together early-stage Gender Studies scholars from around Europe, in early June at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin.

The Student Lecture Series Gender Studies is a platform for students, especially those in the early stages of study, to practice presenting their gender–related research topics, get inspired by their peers’ work, and exchange feedback with other students from various disciplines.

This lecture series serves several goals: (1) it motivates students to be more active and reflect upon the knowledge they have gained in their studies, and 2) by acknowledging student research, it aims to make knowledge production in academia more inclusive and democratic.

The conference will be held on either the 5-6 June 2020 or the 12-13 June 2020. Applications are open to BA and MA students, as well as recently-graduated people, from anywhere in the world who are working on Gender Studies-related topics from any disciplinary standpoint.

How to apply : http://bit.ly/2SxeQAC  (no later than 31 March 2020.)

For more information contact:

E-mail: studierendenvortrag.gs@gmail.com

Facebook: Studierendenvortragsreihe Gender Studies HU Berlin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/svr_gender

Publiekslezing Helen Pankhurst, Leuven 19 maart

Het Miet Smet Fonds voor Genderstudies nodigt u uit voor haar publiekslezing “From Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffragette movement to MeToo. The Past, Present and Future of Feminism” met prof. Helen Pankhurst (achterkleindochter van Emmeline Pankhurst), visiting professor Manchester Metropolitan University & LSE.

Die avond wordt ook de Marguerite Lefèvreprijs voor Genderstudies 2020 uitgereikt.

19 maart 2020, 18-20 u: Promotiezaal, Hallen, Naamsestraat 22, Leuven

Meer informatie: https://www.kuleuven.be/mecenaat/kalender/2020/19-maart-lezing-luf-miet-smet-fonds-genderstudies.pdf

Summer school Sex, Gender, and the City

De summer school CityLAB VIII: Sex, Gender, and the City brengt een breed scala aan kritische vragen over gender, seksualisering en queerness in verband met urban studies. CityLAB wordt georganiseerd door het Urban Studies Institute (USI) in samenwerking met het Antwerp Gender and Sexuality Studies Network (A*) van 29 juni tot 3 juli 2020 aan de Universiteit Antwerpen.

Meer informatie en inschrijven via uantwerpen.be/citylab

Disturbances and Interventions: Contemporary Practices of Gender Research – U4Society summer school

This summer school takes its point of departure in Donna Haraway’s Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chtulucene (2016) and Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990). The areas teachers and students will work with during this summer school, are related to the key words disturbance and intervention inspired by these path-breaking scholars. We will end the summer school with joy and engagement in the writing process.

Apply through the application form (to be downloaded from https://www.rug.nl/…/summer…/disturbances-and-interventions/.

Please read the requirements carefully. Send your application in on the assigned date with carine.plancke@ugent.be.

More information can be found here: https://www.rug.nl/education/summer-winter-schools/disturbances-and-interventions/

Summer School – Europe: Diversity and Migration

This interdisciplinary summer school offers a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships between migration and integration processes in a European context, based on theoretical perspectives, empirical case studies and several excursions and field visits.

Submit your application before 15 April 2020

Find out more: https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/summer-schools/europe-diversity-migration/

Studium Generale is het podium van de Hogeschool Gent dat studenten, docenten en belangstellenden een forum voor reflectie over maatschappij, kunst, cultuur en wetenschap biedt. In kader van het jaarthema ‘Verwondering in kunst en wetenschap’ organiseert Studium Generale samen met Festival van de Gelijkheid en Vormingplus Gent-Eeklo een namiddag en avond rond Ubuntu.

Ubuntu is afgeleid uit de Nguni-spreuk “Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu,” wat vrij vertaald neerkomt op “niet ons ego, maar onze relatie tot andere mensen bepaalt wie we zijn.” Als we dus op zoek gaan naar Ubuntu, als samenleving en als mens, dan denken we in één geheel in de plaats van in categorieën. Een van de basisprincipes van Ubuntu is dan ook luisteren, oor hebben voor de stem van de ander en zoeken naar wat ons bindt. We draaien ons weg van polarisering en naar dialoog.

Donderdag 28 november in de Miry concertzaal wordt een namiddag en avond in drie delen.

Van 15u30 tot 17u stelt Ylva Berg van HUMMUS de Deep Democracy methode voor, waar dialoog centraal staat. Ze vraagt zich af hoe we op een inclusieve manier aan besluitvorming en conflictresolutie kunnen doen? Hoe kunnen we open, inclusief en samen samenleven?

Van 17u30 tot 19u staat ‘Ubuntu voor beginners‘ gepland met Babah Tarawally, schrijver en journalist, en Anette Nobuntu Mul, oprichtster van de Ubuntu Society. Zij leggen uit wat Ubuntu nu precies inhoudt en wat het voor hun heeft betekent doorheen hun leven.

Als kers op de taart verwelkomen we om 20u Sonja Kruse. Na een 351 dagen lange wandeltocht door Zuid-Afrika in 2009 gaat Sonja samen in gesprek met Marjan Meganck over de Zuid-Afrikaanse generositeit die haar tegemoet kwam tijdens haar reis. Daarbij hebben we het ook over het actueel belang van Ubuntu in Zuid-Afrika en België. (Dit gesprek verloop volledig in het Engels)

Meer informatie: http://studiumgent.be/portfolio/28-11-2019-a-story-on-wondering-and-wandering-ubuntu/

Monster Summer School II: Reclaiming Queers, Crips and Other Misfits (May 17 to 21, 2020)

The image of the monster has been historically used to epitomise danger, abnormality, sin. Even before angels, monsters were portrayed as messengers who anticipated catastrophes, such as storms and other dramatic events which would be too strong to be explained. Only good behaviour, submission to rules or faith into another inexplicable bigger entity, such as magic, witchcraft or religion, could prevent societies to be touched by monsters.

The othering of monsters – or monsters as estranged from an imagined “us” – is part of the cultural narrative that dismisses the complexity of what we call humans, contributing to the binary division between good and bad, silencing all of which exists in-between. Indeed, monsters inhabit the spaces in-between narrow definitions and expose the failure of rigid divisions between “normal” and “abnormal”. Ultimately, the figure of monsters confronts us with the precariousness of by-default normativities, triggering the need to rethink what humanity is, and, ultimately, who counts as a human being.

The Monsters Summer School II embraces monstrosity in what it offers regarding the undoing of binaries and the celebration of embodied differences in times when the advancement of extreme-right and populism threatens our existence. We aim to explore who are the contemporary monsters, what are the dichotomies they challenge and how narratives on monsters contribute to definitions of human. We want to explore monsters as a possible theoretical figuration to escape mainstream celebrations of humanity and to embrace the vivid possibilities offered by interdisciplinary, boundary-crossing contributions from different fields of knowledge. We aim at creating spaces to discuss contributions and experiences that often fall out of the map even within critical studies. Also, we interrogate the possibilities of creating knowledge from places of estrangement regarding mainstream sources of knowledge production in the academic fields of LGBTQI+ and critical studies.

Drawing on timely, interdisciplinary theoretical contributions and intersectional empirical work on queers, crips and other misfits, the Monsters’ Summer School will consolidate academic knowledge in the fields of sexual and gender dissidence, disability and other forms of embodied misfit.

Meer informatie: https://www.ces.uc.pt/ces/cessummerschool/index.php?id=26890&id_lingua=2

Tracking academic activism: social life of a herstory textbook

Feminist scholarships have developed on the premise that producing knowledge on/by women is a necessary first step towards feminist emancipation. Even though Gender Studies have now spread within academia, there is still little to no translation of these scholarships to primary and secondary education. Based on this observation, a group of French historians produced a textbook whose purpose is to broadcast Women/Gender History as what they consider an act of academic activism.

The talk presents a study which traces the “social life” of this textbook. Through this ethnographic case study, the research explores the practice of academic activism, notably with regards to institutional contexts and material concerns.

Massilia Ourabah is a Doctoral Researcher and Teaching Assistant at Université Libre de Bruxelles. Her research focuses mainly on gender and mundane forms of activism, as well as social theory. She has written on gender and family norms in family migration policies in an upcoming edited book (Rutgers University Press) and will publish a book on academic activism in education, institutionalism and actor-network theory (Palgrave Macmillan).

Friday 6 December 2019, 14:00 – 15:30; Paddenhoek 1, 9000 Ghent

The struggle for decolonization in France

The Middle East and North Africa Research Group (MENARG) from the department of Conflict and Development Studies is hosting an event with Houria Bouteldja on the ‘struggle of decolonization in France’ in collaboration with TAPAS, the Centre for Research on Culture and Gender, the Governance in Conflict network (GICn) and the Ghent Centre for Global Studies.

Houria Bouteldja is a French-Algerian political activist and writer. She will speak on anti-racism, anti-imperialism, islamophobia and decolonisation.

Friday 13 december 2019, 18:00 – 20:00 | Aula UGent, Volderstraat 9, 9000 Gent